Broadway Business Improvement District (BBID) is hosting Broadway Street Fair 2016 on Saturday, September 10th, 2016 10am-5 pm
Vendor registration is NOW OPEN!
Register in 1 of 2 ways:
- Register & Pay Online - Visit
BWStreetFair201 6 and pay online. By submitting your registration online you are agreeing to the terms and conditions, and are NOT required to submit the physical registration attached to this email. - Register & Pay In Office - Print off the and complete the registration form attached below. Once complete, payment via cash or cheque made payable to Broadway Business Improvement District, can be dropped off at the Broadway BID office on 813 Broadway Ave Monday through Friday between 9am to 5pm. Your registration will not be considered complete until the BBID office receives both your registration form and payment. Please note that there are 2 different registration forms attached - one being for regular vendors and the second being for food vendors.
Please be advised that due to space restraints, Broadway Street Fair 2016 will possess a vendor capacity, with a total of 80 spaces available. Furthermore, there is a maximum of 10 Not-For-Profit spaces and 15 Food Vendor Spaces.
Registration Deadlines:
Early Bird rates due Sunday, July 3rd, 11:59pm